Saturday 11 April 2009

Happy Easter everyone, apparently the book is almost there now. but still awaiting the press release. I never realised what a slow process it was.

I have had a busy week as The company I work for has been "acquired" as they say. we have been bought out by another company. It is now just a case of wait and see who is going to keep their jobs and who wont. My Department is quite safe and going to get busier so I am told.
The current climate is not good for anyone but up to now all my family still have jobs and are not too affected. Don't know about all my friends, hope you are all doing OK, what about you Simon, How is work going with you?

I have a Web site now, it is not up and running but I am working on the pages now and they are almost ready to publish so keep your eyes open for that. you will be able to read about me and my family. you will be able to read about the story, what it is about and get to know some of the mane character, you will also have a link to get here and to the publishers web site.

if you like what you see on the web site you can also order and pay for the book on line. you can leave me a message and talk to me I will write back to all, unless the unbelievable happens and I get millions of you writing. he he..

well that's all for today, will chat again.
