Saturday 25 July 2009

looking good on the book front

Morning all,
Well it is looking good, I seem to be selling a few. I have had no bad feedback yet so fingers crossed. it should be available in paper back in a couple of months so then I should actually be able to get it on shelves in store rather than just web sites. I need to move things along I think, there are discussions going on at work again, it is possible, just possible at the moment that they may be closing the office I work in. will this credit crunch never end? business is business i suppose.
I hope you are all doing OK,

SIMON! when you going to answer your phone mate.

Book 2 is moving on now. I was right, it is going to be a bigger book and faster moving. Can't wait to get it published and available for you all to read.

That's it for now, I'm going to cut the lawn.


Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hi All,

well if you missed the radio interview it is now too late to click listen again.

Things are going well with book two, the Touch of the Dead. as I said it will be a bigger book and the story also moves faster. now that book one has established the mane characters I could get straight into the action, I am on chapter 4 and so far it is a roller coaster of action and turns. I am introducing some new characters into the story in Book 2, some good and some evil. I think you will like them.

I am hoping to have Book 1 The Gate, available on shelves in paper back in the not too distant future, It is strange how different countries like to read different formats, but if it is what people want who am I to question it.

I think that is about everything for now. thanks for watching.
