Saturday 25 July 2009

looking good on the book front

Morning all,
Well it is looking good, I seem to be selling a few. I have had no bad feedback yet so fingers crossed. it should be available in paper back in a couple of months so then I should actually be able to get it on shelves in store rather than just web sites. I need to move things along I think, there are discussions going on at work again, it is possible, just possible at the moment that they may be closing the office I work in. will this credit crunch never end? business is business i suppose.
I hope you are all doing OK,

SIMON! when you going to answer your phone mate.

Book 2 is moving on now. I was right, it is going to be a bigger book and faster moving. Can't wait to get it published and available for you all to read.

That's it for now, I'm going to cut the lawn.


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