Sunday 9 August 2009

interview for The Gate

Above is the link to Radio lancashire interview. any one interested is welcome to go look.

The Gate will be available in paperback within the next month and a half. this should make it available for the stores to have it on shelves. it seems that stores don't like stocking hard back so much, especially when it is a new author. most stores only like well known authors on shelves to guarantee sales, the problem with this is that new authors like myself become stuck in the vicious circle. very few are willing to give us the break we are seeking. Can't blame them I suppose, they are in it to make money.

I would like to thank Radio Lancashire, John Barnes and Lynette for their support and hard work. it is people like this that give us the break we need. it is funny how the ones who don't have to do it are the ones willing to put the effort in. Thank you all.

Work is not looking good at the moment. looks like their are more redundancies on the way, myself included, that's business I suppose. at this time companies are not willing or are unable to take risks and can't afford to take a loss for a while.

Sales of The Gate are doing very well, Thank you for buying the book. Amazon sold out by the end of July but have ordered more. I don't yet have full sales numbers yet but it seems that it is doing better than I thought it would by this time.
Book two, The touch of the dead is going very well and I am hoping to have it ready to go to the publishers by the end of September.

AEG group publishing have been fantastic with me. they are honest and keep me informed on all stages as we go. I would eagerly recommend them to any one looking for a publisher. even when they have released a book they continue their support with marketing idea's and publicity experts.

That's all for now.


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