Sunday 30 August 2009

todays news

Hi All,

I have had some updates, Amazon sold out two months running, thank you. The Gate should be available in soft cover by the end of September so keep looking out.
On the job front I have had a letter now confirming I will be redundant after September so I am applying for jobs as are the rest of the office. bad news all round but that's life I suppose.

I met another author yesterday, Adam Dalton. He writes fantasy as I do. What a nice bloke he was, I learned many things. He has written a number of books but I have started reading the Flesh and Bones Trilogy. the Necromancer's Gambit. very good story and definitely worth buying. have a look on

I am well on with Book two of The World Keepers, The Touch of the Dead. hope to have it ready for you all soon. this time it will be available in hard and soft cover at the same time, another lesson I have learned.

well that's it for now, hope to hear from you all, best of luck with your books Adam.


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