Sunday 25 October 2009

long time appology

Hi every one, sorry I have not posted for a while, lots of pressure at work, I am now not redundant, hurrah. I am still awaiting the proof copy of the paperback of The Gate, will let you know when it is available. book two is coming on, it has been slow going as I was worrying about my job and every thing that goes with it. now i am safe i can start getting back into it with my full concentration.
had a bad month for September, according to the publishers i sold NO books for September but it can take months to get figures in fro all traders. Amazon say they have sold out three months running.
I am depressed at book stores, they will not stock shelves with a book unless they are a well known author, How are writers supposed to get known if the stores will only stock shelves with the likes of Terry Pratchett and other well known people. I know they need to make prophets but they are holding back good writers with this attitude. Come on people, give us all a chance. we make little enough on sales as it is without prejudice from the stores.

If you would like to read the artichle by Radio lancashire please click the pollowing link.

Talk soon


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