Saturday 28 March 2009

latest news

hurrah, I got my office space back. just going to start chapter 4 of book two. it really is a faster story than book one but that's pretty normal for a series. I have heard from the publisher my book is now almost ready. the only thing left to do before the press release is go to print after the back cover and spine are approved.
That reminds me, I need to look at my e mail today and see if they have sent it to me but I am not expecting it until mid week.
I have my own web site now but I need to get it set up before I tell you were it is.
I am an uncle again now. Jake William James was born on 9th March into the O'kane Clan. and I wish him well. he has a good Mum and Dad so he has a good start.
that's about it for now, I will add more if I think of anything.

Saturday 21 March 2009

getting closer

well it is now 21st March, I am starting to get jumpy about the release date. I have been given the price of the book and am now awaiting news of the press release. Thanks for following Simon, it is good to hear from you again. sorry no part for you in the movie he he,

A little history of the book here. it took me a long time to write the first book, it was more of a bet than anything, but as I got more into it, the more I enjoyed it. I suppose Simon was as much to blame for it as anyone so thanks for that Simon. I suppose the hard part was planning the story line. I had to invent a world, then who would live were and what they did to live. what they would use for money or trade etc. most of my planning has yet to come into the story as it has only just begun.

The biggest problem I have is spelling and grammar, the check is coming in useful on that score but I am getting better all the time. I know exactly where the story is going to go and how it is going to end, but that remains a very close secret between me and , erm , me.
I would like to thank Debs at this point for supporting me and having the patience to read what I write and advise me on changes. also Wendy helped me as did my Auntie Joyce at the start. Free book for you auntie.

well that's about it for now, I will put more next time. any questions just ask. Please join and follow, all are welcome.


Sunday 15 March 2009

book launch

I have a book launching soon. It is called The Gate and is a story of Good vs Evil.The keys to the Holy place of the Dead are stolen by the army of an evil god.
The gods send the Gate Keeper to the world to retrieve them. Battles and magic ,death and destruction, love and friendship follow during their travels. This is the first book in a series and I am well in to book 2, The Touch of the Dead.

I did learn a lot during the first book and book two moves faster and will be much larger. But the best people to advise me on the writing are the people who are reading it. When released, if you do read it, please let me know what you think. All comments are welcome but please keep any comments reasonably polite and free from bad language, remember children will also be reading this Blog. Feel free to send me a private comment if you wish to

Thanks for visiting me and I will let you know the date of my book release with all details of when and where to find it.