Saturday 28 March 2009

latest news

hurrah, I got my office space back. just going to start chapter 4 of book two. it really is a faster story than book one but that's pretty normal for a series. I have heard from the publisher my book is now almost ready. the only thing left to do before the press release is go to print after the back cover and spine are approved.
That reminds me, I need to look at my e mail today and see if they have sent it to me but I am not expecting it until mid week.
I have my own web site now but I need to get it set up before I tell you were it is.
I am an uncle again now. Jake William James was born on 9th March into the O'kane Clan. and I wish him well. he has a good Mum and Dad so he has a good start.
that's about it for now, I will add more if I think of anything.

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