Sunday 15 March 2009

book launch

I have a book launching soon. It is called The Gate and is a story of Good vs Evil.The keys to the Holy place of the Dead are stolen by the army of an evil god.
The gods send the Gate Keeper to the world to retrieve them. Battles and magic ,death and destruction, love and friendship follow during their travels. This is the first book in a series and I am well in to book 2, The Touch of the Dead.

I did learn a lot during the first book and book two moves faster and will be much larger. But the best people to advise me on the writing are the people who are reading it. When released, if you do read it, please let me know what you think. All comments are welcome but please keep any comments reasonably polite and free from bad language, remember children will also be reading this Blog. Feel free to send me a private comment if you wish to

Thanks for visiting me and I will let you know the date of my book release with all details of when and where to find it.


  1. Well done setting up your blog page,love.That was harder than writing the book! x x

  2. can I have a leading part in your first film? - obviously it must involve a pasionate, and fairly erotic love affair with the fairy queen....well done bro - we're all proud of you!!

    Si & Lil

  3. well done kid dont forget us when you have your roller and mansion
