Thursday 7 May 2009

Hi All, it's been a couple of weeks now. thanks for post Tony, yes it is taking some time.
I am informed that my book should be for sale in approx 6 weeks. hurra.

I am now just waiting for the book itself to be posted to me for final approval then it will be on the market. I will let you all know when.

I haven't been on for a while due to the company I work for being taken over. I have been told I am now running things in my department so I have much to do. it has been a very nervous time for me and Debs, wondering if I was going to have a job.

I have a web site starting up soon. this is where you will be able to read about me and the books I am writing, including the second book in the series. The Touch Of the Dead. book 2 of the world keepers. I am on chapter 4 but this will be moving along and hopefully published within the next six months.

you will be able to click the link to order and buy the book or click another link to go to the publishers website and buy from there as well as look at all the books available from them.

watch this space for when the site will be available.

that's all for now, I will talk to you all again.

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