Tuesday 23 June 2009


Hi All,
well it is happening quite quickly now. you can now get my book from many places, Amazon, Play.com, Waterstones, WH Smiths, Barnes and Noble, Books a million, and many more.
the easiest way to order is to go to my web site and click buy now, this will take you to the authors web site and allow you to pay for the book direct.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank my family for their support and also my publishers for their professional manner and support along with all the departments hard work.

Book 2, The Touch of the Dead is well under way and hopefully should be available this year. that sounds a long time away but it is almost the end of June so within the next six months doesn't sound as long.

Don't forget to keep following and let me have your thoughts on the book.



  1. just listened to the show - you did very well old boy

  2. Thanks Tony, I hope I didn't keep everyone up too late
