Wednesday 20 July 2011

about time

Hi All, i have set up a new face book page. stephen m proctor. i hope you join me. i am happy to tell you that i have completed book 2 of the world keepers. The Touch of the Dead. and am now working on a new story. all i have to do now is get the money needed to get the second book published.

Saturday 12 June 2010


Well, its been a long time for which i apologize.
lots happened since i last posted. i am redundant from work so dissapointed with that, and book 1 is now in soft cover and hard back as well. im still working on book two as so much has been going on i have been unable to concentrate and i dont want to serve up a load of rubbish to the readers or myself. But, don't worry i am getting back into it now and hope to be able to serve up a great book very soon.

Adam Daulton has completed his third book in his series so i am looking forward to having a read of that one, give it a go he is very good at what he does.

Sunday 25 October 2009

long time appology

Hi every one, sorry I have not posted for a while, lots of pressure at work, I am now not redundant, hurrah. I am still awaiting the proof copy of the paperback of The Gate, will let you know when it is available. book two is coming on, it has been slow going as I was worrying about my job and every thing that goes with it. now i am safe i can start getting back into it with my full concentration.
had a bad month for September, according to the publishers i sold NO books for September but it can take months to get figures in fro all traders. Amazon say they have sold out three months running.
I am depressed at book stores, they will not stock shelves with a book unless they are a well known author, How are writers supposed to get known if the stores will only stock shelves with the likes of Terry Pratchett and other well known people. I know they need to make prophets but they are holding back good writers with this attitude. Come on people, give us all a chance. we make little enough on sales as it is without prejudice from the stores.

If you would like to read the artichle by Radio lancashire please click the pollowing link.

Talk soon


Sunday 30 August 2009

todays news

Hi All,

I have had some updates, Amazon sold out two months running, thank you. The Gate should be available in soft cover by the end of September so keep looking out.
On the job front I have had a letter now confirming I will be redundant after September so I am applying for jobs as are the rest of the office. bad news all round but that's life I suppose.

I met another author yesterday, Adam Dalton. He writes fantasy as I do. What a nice bloke he was, I learned many things. He has written a number of books but I have started reading the Flesh and Bones Trilogy. the Necromancer's Gambit. very good story and definitely worth buying. have a look on

I am well on with Book two of The World Keepers, The Touch of the Dead. hope to have it ready for you all soon. this time it will be available in hard and soft cover at the same time, another lesson I have learned.

well that's it for now, hope to hear from you all, best of luck with your books Adam.


Sunday 9 August 2009

interview for The Gate

Above is the link to Radio lancashire interview. any one interested is welcome to go look.

The Gate will be available in paperback within the next month and a half. this should make it available for the stores to have it on shelves. it seems that stores don't like stocking hard back so much, especially when it is a new author. most stores only like well known authors on shelves to guarantee sales, the problem with this is that new authors like myself become stuck in the vicious circle. very few are willing to give us the break we are seeking. Can't blame them I suppose, they are in it to make money.

I would like to thank Radio Lancashire, John Barnes and Lynette for their support and hard work. it is people like this that give us the break we need. it is funny how the ones who don't have to do it are the ones willing to put the effort in. Thank you all.

Work is not looking good at the moment. looks like their are more redundancies on the way, myself included, that's business I suppose. at this time companies are not willing or are unable to take risks and can't afford to take a loss for a while.

Sales of The Gate are doing very well, Thank you for buying the book. Amazon sold out by the end of July but have ordered more. I don't yet have full sales numbers yet but it seems that it is doing better than I thought it would by this time.
Book two, The touch of the dead is going very well and I am hoping to have it ready to go to the publishers by the end of September.

AEG group publishing have been fantastic with me. they are honest and keep me informed on all stages as we go. I would eagerly recommend them to any one looking for a publisher. even when they have released a book they continue their support with marketing idea's and publicity experts.

That's all for now.


Saturday 25 July 2009

looking good on the book front

Morning all,
Well it is looking good, I seem to be selling a few. I have had no bad feedback yet so fingers crossed. it should be available in paper back in a couple of months so then I should actually be able to get it on shelves in store rather than just web sites. I need to move things along I think, there are discussions going on at work again, it is possible, just possible at the moment that they may be closing the office I work in. will this credit crunch never end? business is business i suppose.
I hope you are all doing OK,

SIMON! when you going to answer your phone mate.

Book 2 is moving on now. I was right, it is going to be a bigger book and faster moving. Can't wait to get it published and available for you all to read.

That's it for now, I'm going to cut the lawn.


Tuesday 7 July 2009

Hi All,

well if you missed the radio interview it is now too late to click listen again.

Things are going well with book two, the Touch of the Dead. as I said it will be a bigger book and the story also moves faster. now that book one has established the mane characters I could get straight into the action, I am on chapter 4 and so far it is a roller coaster of action and turns. I am introducing some new characters into the story in Book 2, some good and some evil. I think you will like them.

I am hoping to have Book 1 The Gate, available on shelves in paper back in the not too distant future, It is strange how different countries like to read different formats, but if it is what people want who am I to question it.

I think that is about everything for now. thanks for watching.
